Our vegetables are not only grown organically, but it’s also cruelty-free. We say “no” to using anonymous animal-derived materials such as commercially-produced fish emulsion, feather, bone, blood meal and bat guano.
Many modern food farm practices (i.e., mono-cultures, chemical fertilizers, pesticide sprays, soil compaction, erosion) injure our environment. Unfortunately, some farms use the same harmful methods. At our Farm, we believe in giving back to the land so that is why we grow our fruits, veggies and flowers in a way that is sustainable, resilient and restorative.
Our natural and organic methods focus on plant-based fertilizers, extractive plant teas and polyculture that are gentle to the earth. These elements work symbiotically to create habitats that nurture our resident beneficial insect population and increase biodiversity. In addition, we make sure all of our farm animals eat only organically-produced, non-GMO grains, vegetables and supplements so we know exactly what’s in the manure and worm castings we use in our custom soil mixes.
Rooted in the Earth
Soil is a magically complex three-dimensional substance that sustains life. While hydro-farmers believe they can substitute a few soluble elements for a whole living system, soil growers understand that the complexity of a great tasting veggies begins with carefully tended organic soil.
Fed by the Sun
Did you know that many veggies you buy are grown indoors. Let’s return to the naturally rewarding practice of growing healthy, happy, plants outdoors. Don’t HIDE…Grow OUTSIDE!
Watered by the River
Many farmers don’t think about the water they use to grow their plants. Too many growers simply use tap water that’s been chlorinated or even worse, fluorinated. Not at our Farm. Our water comes from the Hood River which in turn comes from snow pack on Mt. Hood. Only fresh, clean, and natural water goes into growing our plants.